School Learner Goals

i3 - Innovative, Inventive, and Imaginative Global Thinkers

L - Lifelong Learners

E - Effective Communicators and Collaborators

A - Academic Achievers

R - Responsible Citizens

N - Nobel Leaders

The overall goals of iLearn Academy Charter School (iLACS) are best defined by the our School Learner Goals that were created by the iLACS community. These goals, aligned with the school Mission Statement, clarify how the six values relate to the instructional and curricular focus of I3iLearn Academy Charter School.

1. We believe that we can effect change within our community by being Innovative, Inventive, and Imaginative Global Thinkers.

iLACS Students are i3 (Innovative, Inventive, and Imaginative) Global Thinkers who

·      identify and solve problems creatively and effectively

·      interpret, evaluate, and reflect on learning

·      demonstrate intellectual curiosity and discipline

·      develop informed opinions while remaining open to other global views

·      recognize global issues and their impact on individuals and communities

·      apply classroom skills to real life situations in order to solve problems and make thoughtful decisions

2. We believe that fostering a love for lifelong learning is key to being successful in the future.

 iLACS Students are Lifelong Learners who

·      develop skills and techniques to equip them for a lifetime of learning

·      persevere in problem solving

·      set high standards and engage in continuous improvement

3. We believe that we can do more by working together rather than working by ourselves.

iLACS Students are Effective Communicators and Collaborators who

·      speak, read, present, and write effectively in the English language

·      read critically and extensively for a variety of purposes

·      listens to the opinions and views of others openly

·      use technology and digital resource to enhance communication

·      effectively share information and responsibilities

·      respect and value diversity

·      develop and maintain positive relationships within diverse settings

4. We believe that each of us can learn and that in school, we grow to become all that we can be.

iLACS Students are Academic Achievers who

·      are driven towards academic excellence in English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Engineering and Technology

·      use technological tools effectively, creatively, and responsibly

·      meet the expected levels of competency as measured by school-wide and district-wide assessments

·      remain lifelong learners

5. We believe that what we learn is not only for ourselves but to be used to help others and make a better world.

iLACS Students are Responsible Citizens who

·      develop integrity and character to become responsible individuals

·      respect themselves, respect others, and respect the environment

·      shows respect for personal property and the property of others

·      accept responsibility for his/her own actions

·      behave appropriately and resolve conflict in a constructive manner

·      contribute to society and work cooperatively with others

6. We believe that we should be respectful in everything we do and shine as a good example to those around us.

iLACS Students are Noble Leaders who

·      are aware of themselves, others, and the world around them and are respectful in making decisions

·      are attentive and mindful of the needs and opinions of others

·      are always willing to provide a helping hand wherever the need arises

·      set a good example for their peers to follow